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Rich Nadworny

Yay Dan! Great motivational story. Let me know when you want to run a leg of the Vermont marathon back in burlington on Memorial day and I'll sign you up for my team!



Way to go! Very inspiring. Maybe it will work for a 50-year-old fat woman!

Dan York

@Rich - Thanks! Hmmm... how long are the legs for a team? I can't imagine running a marathon or even a half-marathon ... but then again, I couldn't imagine running a 5K! It might be intriguing to think about a race leg.... hmmm.... We loved *watching* that race when we lived in Burlington because it looped right through our neighborhood. (Or at least, it did then.)

@Janet - Thanks... and go for it! I know it sounds cliche, but I really haven't felt this physically good ever. And it's helped in so many other ways.

Bryan Person

Great story, Dan! I love that you share your race "results" on Facebook every other day. It's one of the little pieces that helps push me to keep going, too.

I've never really been interested in running, either, but started my own program back in August. And ike you, I wasn't happy with the state of my health (weighed too much, my cholesterol was too high, etc.)

In the past several years, I've tried the I'm-going-to-get-in-shape routine at least a half-dozen times. I usually doesn't last more than a few weeks. But this time, I seem to have broken through and made regular exercise a HABIT. My own motivation is certainly a big part of keeping my going, but encouragement and positive feedback from friends and family on Facebook has been VERY helpful as well!

James D

Good stuff Dan! I really enjoyed the article - it is very inspiring. Do you ever get out and kayak? That seems to be my favorite form of exercise and being out there on the water is very relaxing to me. I think it's important to find exercise that you enjoy, at least for me, so that I can associate pleasure with it instead of pain, making it easier and easier to get out there and do it :) Thanks for sharing!


Great article Dan, you are an inspiration to many out there

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  • Dan York, CISSP, is Director, Internet Technology, at the Internet Society.


    Please note that the Internet Society has no connection to this blog and any opinions stated here are entirely Dan's.