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Stacey Masters

You are right, you need to surrender to the professionals and have faith in their experience and knowledge. But what got me through my journey with cancer was even a stronger faith in God. My faith gave me strength and courage. It was quite overwhelming to know that I was being prayed for by so many people, some I didn't even know. My journey made my faith even stronger. I am praying for you all.

Dan York

Stacey, Thanks... and yes, it has indeed been a bit overwhelming to know of all the people - many we know but many more we don't - who have been praying for Lori's health and for us in general. It is both extremely appreciated and extremely inspiring. Thank you for your prayers! (as well as everything else you personally have been doing to help us. You are amazing!)

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  • Dan York, CISSP, is Director, Internet Technology, at the Internet Society.


    Please note that the Internet Society has no connection to this blog and any opinions stated here are entirely Dan's.