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Donna Papacosta

Dan, I am in tears reading this. How horrifying for your family. Thank goodness there is a happy ending to this story! (Was the driver charged?)

Maxim @maximCH

Wow. Quite a day your family had. Good to hear they're all fine and practically unhurt.

Yvor Broer

Great to read; our stroller has been involved in an accident too, just last week (Cougar 2)in Copenhagen, Denmark. Almost the same situation as yours, but with a less strong impact. Luckily the stroller did not flip over and the children (3 years and 10 months) were only scared, not injured.

All wheels are broken (off), the cage construction is bend and all screws are loose. Time for a new one. Indeed, it is expensive, but I have strong doubts if another brand would have protected my children as much as the Chariot did!


My mom was pushing me in a chariot and some one in there car hit the chariot that I was in and in saved my life and there was a sheepskin in my chariot so it absorbed the shock

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  • Dan York, CISSP, is Director, Internet Technology, at the Internet Society.


    Please note that the Internet Society has no connection to this blog and any opinions stated here are entirely Dan's.