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John Fleck

Explain the software? 'Cause that map thing is pretty cool.

Dan York


Yes, isn't that cool? It is from the "Nike+ GPS" app running on my iPhone. I just carry my iPhone with me while running (or use an armband) and the app uses the iPhone's built-in GPS to track your progress, time, etc. When the run is done, the data gets merged with Google Maps to show you two different views: one showing your distance with each mile indicated; and this view here showing your pace. (I believe you may be able to also look at the map while you are running to see where you have gone so far, but I haven't tried that.)

The app also will sync your data to an online account on Nike's website where you can apparently generate other charts and such, but I haven't played with that yet.

Note that this app does NOT require any special sneakers or any sensor being attached to your shoes. You CAN get one and use that as another input, but the GPS has worked good enough for me. I have tested this app against a Garmin GPS watch that I also have and both have given about the same results.

Fun stuff to play with...

John Fleck

That's cool.

I have used Garmins on my bike rides for years, and was out with a friend who's an early adopter when the first GPS-equipped iPhones came out. He was convinced that people were going to come out with software that would put Garmin out of business. Because we always carry our phones with us anyway, right?

I wonder if that's been happening. It has been interesting to watch Garmin push hard on the web-enabled software side lately - I guess to compete.

Dan York

Funny you should say that. I own a Garmin 305 watch, but the truth is that I probably use the iPhone apps *more*. In part because I have to remember to charge the Garmin watch, and in part because the iPhone is always with me and also makes it super easy to upload my results, share them on Facebook, etc. Sure, I can do that with the watch, too, but I have to sync the watch to the computer first. I also just use the iPhone when I run while I'm traveling, since it's easier to NOT pack the Garmin 305 in my luggage.

I *do* like that the 305 gives me more info than some of the iPhone apps do, and has the ability to do laps, etc. ... but all of that may honestly be in another iPhone app I'm not using. It will be interesting to see if I continue to use both or migrate more to the iPhone.

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