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Good on yer, Dan! No running for me, but the only barriers between me and regular yoga are mental.

Rich Ruh

Congrats, Dan. By the way, if you've run 400 miles, it's probably time for new shoes.

Adam Roach

Wow, you managed to do that quickly. Congratulations. I've been doing 30 minutes of hard cardio (85% MHR) three to four times a week. The weight is coming off, but nothing like that (I've lost about 5 lbs in 4 months; If I can keep it up, I'll reach my goal sometime in 2014).

I presume you're using a Withings scale to track the weight on a day-to-day basis?

Also: catch up with me in Quebec City; I've been playing around with a heart monitor app on the iPod, and have found it quite useful as a motivator...

RunCoach Jen

Congratulations! losing that much weight is very outstanding.. truly inspiring!

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  • Dan York, CISSP, is Director, Internet Technology, at the Internet Society.


    Please note that the Internet Society has no connection to this blog and any opinions stated here are entirely Dan's.