Last year one of my words was "WRITE", and my objective was to increase the amount of writing I was doing across my various blogs. I did that in 2010... writing across my various blogs at a higher level than in previous years. This year, though, I want to do more... and not just writing online articles. I want to get more of my photography online. I want to create more videos in my YouTube account. There are a couple of audio podcasts I'd like to create. I've got a number of plans already underway... you'll see more of that coming out in the days and weeks ahead...
One of the challenges I have with all that content creation is that it is now occurring across a range of different sites. I list some of them on my page, and the "One Day of Content Creation" events that I did in July and December show the type of posts I publish. I also have a couple of other sites lurking out there and I've spun up a few new ones recently. While I purposely have been creating very focused sites, I want to tie them together a bit more. I've been aggregating most of the content in my Friendfeed account, but lets face it, Friendfeed: 1) isn't under my control; 2) isn't heavily used any more; and 3) may not be around for the long term. So on one level I want to aggregate my content (or links to my content) in a central place that I can point people to... and I also want to link some of the sites a bit more together for encouraging cross-site visiting. (This latter item may come if I can finally make the move in 2011 to ditch TypePad and move all my sites over to the WordPress base I'm building.)
There is admittedly a second level to the word "portfolio". Given the public profile I have, particularly in the speaking space, I have needed for some time to have a better "home page" that explains what I do and what I can offer people / conferences / businesses, etc., again in particular with regard to speaking. Launching a redesigned in 2010 was a start, but I need to do more.
Finally, in 2010 one of my words was "HEALTH" and I did make that a priority... losing 45 pounds and turning (to my utter amazement and amusement) into a runner. In 2011 I want to take it further... it's been 6 months and daily exercise has become part of my routine... I want it to be hard-coded into my lifestyle, i.e. it's not just a passing fad but something that becomes part and parcel of what I do and who I am. On the running front, I want to run some races and see that I can keep it up, even through our winter. Beyond running, though, I want to get back into some of the other outdoor activities that used to be more part of my life... and that's all just a question of priorities.
Beyond the exercise, there are some other lifestyle changes I want to make, just to have an all around healthier life. More to say on that in the future.
What about you? What are you planning to do differently in 2011?
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